Interim CEO
Vikki brings 25 years of experience in government and non-profit leadership to the Foundation. With a BA in Music Therapy and a masters degree in Public Administration, Vikki has supported a diverse field of interests including the arts, health, environment, and youth. She most recently served as Executive Director for the Cancer Support Community of Arizona, and brings that experience increasing public awareness of vital services to the Foundation to support burn survivors and their families.
Director of Programs
Nan joined our staff in 2004. With a BS in Therapeutic Recreation from ASU, Nan brings to the Foundation diverse experience in community programming with special populations, predominantly focused on youth development. As a youth development professional, Nan manages Arizona Children’s Burn Camp, Camp Courage. The interests of our family clientele are of paramount importance with Nan. Through the direction of Family Services and Forever Courage House, she has the opportunity to facilitate immediate needs. Witnessing positive outcomes through our programs is what keeps Nan passionate.
Forever Courage House Manager
Born and raised in Phoenix, Carlos joined the Foundation a little over 5 years ago. As Forever Courage House Coordinator, he oversees the program that provides patients’ families with a safe place to stay, along with transportation to and from the hospital, while also keeping constant communication of family needs between the hospital and Foundation staff. Though currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree in business management, he profoundly enjoys working with this program and meeting new people every day.
Program Coordinator
Cole joined the Foundation in 2014 after working in community outreach and education around the valley and the state. With the Arizona Attorney General’s Office he organized identity theft and consumer scam prevention presentations, and later trained volunteers to engage in community outreach door to door throughout the valley. As Program Coordinator Cole supports Courage House, Camp Courage, and prevention efforts while working to improve and expand Foundation programs. He received his MPA from ASU in 2013. He served as an Army veteran, and he served in Iraq.
Burn Prevention Coordinator
Gina has been with the Foundation since 2007. She earned a master’s degree in business administration and is especially interested in training and educating diverse populations. She spent several years of her professional career educating and advising adults from all over the world who were interested in global business careers. At the Arizona Burn Foundation, Gina works with diverse communities, including adults and small children, and gets to witness the positive value educating people about scald and burn prevention.
Community Outreach Coordinator
Mik joined the Foundation in 2014 after spending years collaborating with community civic and church organizations while serving in a local church and at Grand Canyon University. As Community Outreach Coordinator, Mik helps build bridges between community organizations and the Foundation. In addition Mik will help with volunteer recruitment and training for the outreach programs of the foundation.
Forever Courage House Assistant
Rita came on board as a volunteer for the Foundation in 2005 after surviving 4th degree electrical burns to her left hand. She helped with health fairs in the beginning and became a part-time employee at Forever Courage House in the summer of 2006. Rita’s passion is to help other burn survivors and their families during their stay at Forever Courage House. Her role is more behind-the-scenes as she only covers the weekends and holidays. If she can make a guest laugh for one minute, then she feels good about her day by helping them forget some of the trauma they’re going through.